Y se acabó otra etapa.
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Finalmente he jugado a Metroid Dread. No voy a entrar a hablar de lo que todos sabemos ya sobre la buena acogida en ventas y críticas que ha tenido. En resumen, es un gusto poder disfrutar de una nueva entrega que, con sus más y sus menos en world-building (¿Qué pasó con el backlash de la Federación tras Metroid Fusion?) y ética de trabajo (¿Por qué hay testimonios de personal no acreditado y por qué MercurySteam perpetra precariedad?), mantiene bien la fórmula que gusta al tiempo que añade novedades que la refrescan.
Sin mucha intención, me apetece recoger algunos detalles que no veo tan comentados en otros análisis, reviews o vídeos, acerca de cómo ha cambiado Metroid y dónde se encuentra en la actualidad respecto a otros juegos del género, a sus premisas anteriores, y a lo que ofrece para los jugadores.
Continue readingThe scientific career seems to follow a pattern of slight variations, from the feeling of senseless wandering (at first overwhelmed by a sea of knowledge as an undergrad or phd student, but later as skepticism and solipsism based on first-hand experience), to the uncertainty of what comes after our current stage (postdoc? Young PI? Faculty?). As many say, it doesn’t get easier -but it can get better and more rewarding. And to spark a bit of hope in the steps following the completion of the PhD, today I am drawing from my experience of applying to five postdoctoral fellowships in the past few months of 2021, to summarise what I have learned, what can be improved, and whatever might be of help.
Continue readingHa pasado lo impensable. Después de catorce años desde las películas, y de veinticinco años desde la serie original, ha terminado Evangelion. Anno lo ha vuelto a hacer: nos ha dejado con la boca abierta. Porque contra todo pronóstico, increíblemente, Evangelion explica la mayor parte de las cosas y acaba en un buen final.
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This is my first kind of serious project in bioinformatics. I had to prepare some de novo transcriptome assemblies from weird organisms using publicly available data, and I took the chance to learn a little bit how to automate processes using bash scripting, virtual environments, a a lot of variables and flags.
I have named this pristine, and it can be found in my github repository.
I will keep working on it as I learn how to code and make new things. I recently saw a way to download and transfer fastq data into other softwares on-the-go as it is downloaded using UNIX pipes. I will try to check if something like this could be done, how cool.
(and no, I did not forget about the last post of the multicellularity story. I just need free time and energies to sit down and finish it :’) )