Sometimes (more often than I care to admit) I remember that time a person tried to destroy me on a conference a year ago.
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Consejos doy y pa’ mí no tengo. Cómo “dejar hechas las cosas”, Academia version

Esto es algo que en su día escribí en el sitio del pajarito y lo rescaté.
Te pasa a menudo que tardas mucho en escribir un email y al final ni lo envías por no molestar, que cedes a la prioridad de otra persona cuando ellos sacan menos beneficio que tú perjuicio, que se te acumulan pequeñas tareas que no solo dependen de ti?
Continue readingThe green genomic scrolls

Sometimes I love reading papers that have little to do with my field of work, either because there are specific topics that are tangentially interesting to me, or just to have a glimpse at stuff that I ever paid attention to. And sometimes I just bump into amazing stories without even looking for them.
Continue readingSmall rant on academia, work-life balance, question-oriented vs data-oriented, and support networks
I have lost the count on how many times I have wished I had taken way more statistics courses during the undergrad and MSc. This is but one example of what I am going to talk about today.
Continue readingThings I wished I had known when I started using snakemake
Happy new year and all of that!
I am still VERY late in my catching up with papers. This is not helped by the fact that I’ve changed devices (again) and I am now in a Dell Machine, on a full GNOMEian experience worth of a separate entry. Paper newsletters will resume. For real. In the meantime, here goes a post for certain tips when using Snakemake.
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