Category Archives: Música

I remember Barcelona: a playlist of four years of my life

It is no news that I lived in Barcelona and that time proved life-changing in all the aspects from personal to professional. This blog itself was mostly abandoned during that time save for some personal notes here and there and the twist of content is palpable. It is no news either that, as with most people with life-changing experiences, there is music associated to it. As I grew up during those years, so did my knowledge and taste in music. My moving out of that city was somewhat abrupt and, as has been noted to me, it was followed by a thing called pandemic that prevented a full processing and closure of all the memories and experiences during that time. Thus I had been ruminating the idea of making a playlist of those four years of my life for a while. And earlier this week I said, what the hell have I been waiting for?

Thus, ‘I remember Barcelona’ was born.


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Tecnicismos y conexiones profundas del Vaporwave: Influencias temáticas y musicales del Ambient

Tomada de VaporWave Wallpapers (app)

Esta entrada es la primera de una serie sobre el Vaporwave, que bien podría ser el género musical que más me ha influido en la veintena. A raíz de haber escuchado cientos de álbumes, otros tantos EPs, y muchos vídeos (y papers!) de análisis, he decidido recopilar de manera más o menos estructurada todo aquello que me fascina de este género y que, a veces, quedan un poco ‘overlooked’ en los análisis. Con esta entrada también nace la primera categoría en casi 10 años en el blog, ‘Música’.

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