“Esperen un minuto, esto es raro…” La voz de Bowman se apagó en un silencio de máximo aturdimiento. No es que se hubiese alarmado, sino que no podía literalmente describir lo que estaba viendo.
Author Archives: beykex
NMD y EJC: control de calidad de la expresión génica
(¡Lo prometido es deuda!)
La expresión de genes en las formas de vida eucariotas comprende un gran número de fenómenos interconectados entre sí, cuya coordinación ha favorecido la aparición de mecanismos de control de calidad y vigilancia de los RNA mensajeros. Uno de estos mecanismos es el llamado Nonsense-mediated Decay (NMD), desempeñado por un complejo multiproteico de vigilancia capaz de detectar codones de stop prematuros (PTC) en los mRNA, señalizando la detención de la traducción, el desensamblaje del ribosoma, la degradación del péptido naciente y del propio mRNA.
Dawn of a long-gone day
Here’s some sort of a mix between a self-letter and a open message to everyone who find it. I just have the need to tell something to somebody, so many words to express so many things, and I hope you can feel/enjoy this as much as I did writing it.
I’ve had a strong issue happening recently in my life. A lot, lot of things have changed in just a month, who would have said so. Her abscense and departure made me get into shock, and made me realize I had to make big changes in my life. So I took advantage and began doing so since the very beginning.
I wanted to say that I’ve been thinking a lot about many -if not every- aspects of my life, about who I am and how much do I know about myself. About what kind of life do I want for myself, and wether my last months lifestyle corresponded with it.
I’ve been thinking about the things I did wrong, as well as the things I did -and do- right. I’ve had plenty of time to think, too, about those things she/we did wrong, and those things of us who didn’t fit together.
Let’s begin.
La trascendencia de un morfógeno
Anachron World
Bkx: Mira, esto es muy tú http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anacronismo
Hy: En qué sentido?