Characters, Plot, People, Aspirations

I turn 28 today.

It is difficult for me to try and think the way I did when I started posting here more seriously, nearly ten years ago. I have been in many places, going through different things and doing many other different things, and I want to take today’s opportunity to talk a little bit about one of the biggest changes in my life: I focus a lot on characters now.

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On the imposter syndrome of mine (as of 2020)

This long rambling originated from a coaching session of the ‘Kintsugi’ method that I attended back in 2020. I did not really care about the branding and identity of the method, but it is true that more often than not I get something of net value out of these activities.

One of the things I acknowledge every time I look back at my trajectory is, I really grew and developed not only by doing a PhD, but by seeking the opportunity to do a PhD. I managed to move quite outside of my environment to do the PhD. I found a really great lab and I had a very good time there. I managed to learn a bunch of things career-wise but it is true that things would have been very different if I had gone there some years later when the financial situation of the lab was very different. One thing that has not changed since then, however, is the imposter syndrome.

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A childish mind turn into noble ambition: The cruelest, not saddest, story no one noticed

The Ocarina of Time Masterclass in subtext, by GoodBlood, is a brilliant exercise of media review that brings together widely diverse topics including storytelling, Japanese folklore, environmentalism, and even psychology of childhood trauma and adulthood, to analyse the themes of The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, one of the most influential pieces in the medium of video games. This language and these aspects blend together harmoniously to deliver a central message that the game is probably the saddest entry of the Zelda franchise; precisely because of how short we fall to notice, as it is laid out deep within the subtext layers of the writing. The presentation and quality of the theorisation is gorgeous, including the sad notes on shintoism and how its world resonates with the history of Japanese people and their culture. But it is the character analysis, the loss of the hero’s childhood, what makes it a completely unique piece of media analysis -at least for me.

I already “wrote” something about this videoanalysis two years ago – I acknowledged it existence, at least. When I watched it for the first time, it seeded emotions, feelings and ideas that are still very present in me. I recently revisited it and it’s been one of those few times that you relive it almost as if it was the first time. I recommend watching it, even if you are not familiar with the Zelda franchise, for a great example of conveying sub-plots in the context of storytelling. Or you can read it here, as the author made it available in text.

The ramifications of the sadness expand beyond this game into other titles of the franchise. And beyond other topics that could easily fit in another video of this kind. For me, this has ultimately rendered Ocarina of Time unplayable as a mere instance of the Myth of the Hero’s journey. I am not exaggerating if I say that it has completely changed my view of this game and left me in a contemplation of the different depth levels the story speaks to me.

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The last common ancestor of animals: a focus on genes, development and ecology (III)

3. The animal LCA likely possessed many different cell types

AI-color-filtered picture of Nematostella vectensis, halftone-filtered in Glimpse and ran through a dotted filter on elektrobild.

A major feature of animals is the spatial distribution of labour between coexisting cells within a single multicellular entity. The building blocks of multicellular bodies are different kinds of cell types, each specialized in different roles within the whole organism. Cell types have their own sets of expressed genes used in different processes (e.g., contraction, secretion, signaling and reception), that are normally regulated by well-defined genetic programs (a set of TFs and other specific regulatory mechanisms). This implies that some genes are expressed by certain cell types but not others – in other words, each cell type expresses a limited number of genes encoded in the genome. On the other hand, the totality of genes in the genome of a unicellular organism may be used by a single cell throughout its life. The genome partitioning into functional modules accessed by different cell types reflects an increase in regulatory mechanisms to determine diverse cell fate genetic programs (Arendt et al., 2019). Understanding the origin of animals, therefore, requires asking questions about the evolutionary origins of cell types, and their mechanisms of differentiation.

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The last common ancestor of animals: a focus on genes, development and ecology (II)

AI-processed picture of the starlet sea anemone Nematostella vectensis. Source: Wildlife Archives

In the previous entry we learned a bit about the “historical” context of the origin of animals, both in the evolutionary and the chronological meaning of the word. We saw how the fossil record was the first resource explored to unraveling the origin of animals, and how it helped to pinpoint the geological period when this lineage emerged. We also learned that comparing the genomes of different animal species has become a new paradigm of research, as it helps to clarify the phylogenetic relationships of animals, as well as it allows to infer the what genetic information needed to build animal bodies was present in the ancestor.

In this entry, we will explore what was the gene content like in the animal LCA in two ways: firstly, by broadly looking at the changes occurred in the genomes of animals during their evolutionary history; secondly, by looking at the genes found scattered across the early branching animals, which together are like pieces of the puzzle that is the animal LCA.

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